Information & Communications Technology (ICT)

Credit: Photography – Widevision Asia Pte Ltd
The ICT Department seeks to align our programmes and strategies with MOE's EdTech Masterplan for 2030 and our school's Vision and Mission.
ICT Department Vision
Innovate. Collaborate. Transform (I.C.T)
The ICT Department aims to:
Create a digitally-empowered environment encouraging students and teachers to explore and create using technology.
Facilitate meaningful collaborations among students, staff, and stakeholders leveraging technology.
Transform learning through technology, integrating digital literacy and technological skills.
Programmes and strategies for students:
Digital Literacy integration into the curriculum
Digital Literacy training
ICT Student Leaders (new 2024)
Our programmes and strategies for Students aim to achieve the following outcomes:
Digitally-empowered 21st century learners who are self-directed and collaborative in using digital tools and resources
Digitally literate learners who apply digital literacy and technological skills while exercising Cyber Wellness
Empathetic, technologically-adept innovators who leverage a range of digital tools to create digital artifact and solutions​

Professional development and strategies for teachers:
Student Learning Space & EdTech tools training
Our professional development and strategies for Teachers aim to achieve the following outcomes:
Collaborative contributors who embrace a culture of teamwork, sharing, adoption and adaptation of digital resources and best practices for teaching with technology
Pedagogically proficient, data literate learning designers who are proficient in using e-Pedagogy to design effective tech-enabled learning experiences
Learners and innovators who continually develop and deepen their digital literacy and technological skills